Why Self Audits Are One Of The Most Valuable Medical Coding Audits
Medical coding audits are critical to a healthy revenue cycle, but with all the options, it is difficult to know where to position the different types of medical coding audit services in your revenue cycle management optimization strategy. One of the most challenging can be the self-audit — an internal review that can be used with other medical coding audit services to optimize your revenue cycle results. What Are Self Audits? Self audits are a careful review of existing medical coding practices to help ensure compliance with medical coding and billing standards, rules, and regulations [1]. They can also be incredibly powerful tools of prevention. They allow providers to protect against lost revenue and billing issues by getting ahead of payer audits. They help you find payment, medical billing , and medical coding issues (including missed revenue), identify problems in patient care, flag opportunities for training, and get ahead of compliance issues. It’s important to vie...